A multi-year practice-based research project with the support of Vlaio.
Within this project, recently available knowledge was translated into concrete, useful information
so that the construction industry can innovate faster and more efficiently.
The main focus within the research is on smart and innovative digitization during the construction process.
On the one hand, this allows for simplified and more efficient communication between construction partners.
On the other hand, this digitization allows for the optimization of the building maintenance process.
Veerle Custers is an innovator and researcher in construction, flexible living and new forms of housing. She is also a freelancer in area development and chairman of Gecoro Bree.
“Let’s shape the future together with every step we take, and every place we stop.”

Maurits Hagemans is a researcher in Augmented & Virtual Reality at the department Smart-ICT and PXL-Green & Tech. He is also a lecturer in Crossmedia (LUCA School of Arts) and active as a freelancer in the digital field.
Ilona Stouten is a lecturer in mechanics within the professional bachelor Electromechanics program. She is currently conducting research around Augmented and Virtual reality in BIM and the creation of VR learning modules.
Eric Gielen is the PXL coordinator of the Facility Management postgraduate program. At the same time, he works in the research department as a Facility Management researcher on the AR4SmartMO project. He is also the coordinator for the Lifelong Learning offer of PXL Green & Tech and also supervises students who wish to incorporate an international route in their studies.
Wesley Ceulemans is a researcher and lecturer in Construction at the PXL University of Applied Sciences. He also teaches architectural drawing and is a professional in the field of Site Organization.
Adrien Buteneers graduated as an Industrial Engineer in Construction and as a Land Surveyor – MSOG. He is research head of the PXL Building and Energy Expertise Center. CAD-related training courses, topography, implementation methods and digitization of construction processes are among his specialties.

– Construction and Energy
– AR & VR
– Digitization
– Lean
– Working Agile
– Networking
– Trendwatching
– Facilitymanagement
– Change Management
– Drones – photogrammetry
– Flexible living
– Multidisciplinary